{published on may 2, 2019} GOOOOOOOD MORNING, everyone! and what a beautifully brilliant and HAPPY morning it was! kate woke up all smiles chirping rise and shine to everyone and everything!! she felt much better – thank goodness!
{published on may 1, 2019} yay! we finally arrived in cortina! this highly anticipated trip has been in the works for over a year now and we were all ecstatic to be on the road to go play in the SNOW! in CORTINA!!the drive there was so so pretty! we live near verona and got zero snow, so it was…
{published on may 20, 2019} oh BOLOGNA! how we love you! you are earthy, comforting, delicious, vibrant, friendly, modern and beautifully historic AND our new favorite place to hop over to on weekends!
{published on may 15, 2019} we had such a fun morning visiting the gelato museum today! let me tell you, the wait leading up to this very exciting day was excruciating!! jack and kate had marked our calendar with stars and exclamation marks and were counting down each day with such GLEE! …
hello there! welcome to our online home where we share our everyday life + travel stories! i'm tammy and i live in the veneto region of italy with my hubby chris (met him in high school by the way) and our two kiddos, jack + kate. READ MORE...